Horizontal Lifelines
Horizontal lifelines offer the most flexibility with respect to function vs cost parameter. The flexibility of installation and low profile nature of cable make it suitable for most applications where available fall clearance and structural capacity permits.
Our WRS Cable Span OH systems are installed overhead, and offer longer spans between intermediate points, particularly important in applications where intermediate anchorage points are limited. The system incorporates a tension indicator to ensure pre-tension force in the cable is sustained. In-line energy absorbers are also integrated into the system as needed to reduce loads transferred to the anchorage structure. The system is suitable for all types of work at heights, comprising of components constructed from marine grade stainless steel. The overhead lifeline allows for hands-free operation and uninterrupted travel of the user along the system.
The WRS Cable Span system provides fall protection for workers on rooftops, and in applications where the Horizontal lifeline system is not installed overhead. The system comprises 300 grade stainless steel cable and components with an electropolished finish, providing excellent corrosion protection. Depending on application, the system incorporates intermediate brackets to reduce dynamic sag and protect the attachment structure. Inline energy absorbers reduce loads in the event of a fall, and provide additional protection to the attachment structure.
Whether working on exposed roof edges, catwalks, servicing roller coasters or maintaining cranes, our WRS Roofline system adapts to ensure you are always kept safe. The WRS Roofline system utilizes posts that have patented rubber damper technology which allows installers to fix directly to the top layer of most roofing panels. If through fixing is required, we have an unlimited range of brackets, adaptors, weather seals, thermal foam filled posts and fasteners to suit all roof types.